If you decide to Preorder an item on our website, please note the following:

  • Payment is charged immediately at checkout not when the item ships
  • Preordering is voluntary and if at any time you would like to cancel your Preorder for a full refund to method of payment please do so prior to shipment 
  • If you need to cancel your Preorder or Update in any way, please call 812.481.2880
  • For Returns on Preorders, you have 10 days from the day that you received the Order 
  • The date listed on the Preorder page is an approximation communicated by our manufacturer and we only update as more information is provided. If you do not see an update then we do not have further information at this time
  • If item is no longer available from our manufacturer, we will contact you and a full credit will be issued. 
  • If at any time you need further details, please contact us at the above phone number and we will be happy to assist you.